Sparkling Seyval 750ml - Bottle 750ml

Sparkling Seyval 750ml
- Bottle 750ml


Order today and get it delivered by Wednesday 26th of February, or let us know preferred delivery date when you checkout.

Or collect from one of our collection points in Cornwall.

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(Over 18's Only)

A single variety, single estate, rather special sparkling from Polgoon. A flirt with green pear on the nose followed by delicate citrus notes and a good balanced acidity. Crisp and lively on the palate with a persistent mousse. This stunning sparkling is perfect for celebrations, match with Cornish seafood, charcuterie and canapés.

Hand harvest and whole berry pressed before being fermented until dry. Matured over the winter until bottled for secondary fermentation in the bottle.

12%, 75cl, contains sulphites
Vegan friendly.

We can deliver your orders Tuesday to Saturday

Please note that this is not a guaranteed delivery service, sometimes couriers will experience delays which are out of our control.

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Available on: Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays

Collect Free: The Roseland

Available on: Fridays

Collect Free: Perranporth - Waves

Available on: Fridays

Collect Free: Perranporth - Trevose

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